Useful Links
Academy for Healthcare Science - The Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) brings together the UK’s diverse
and specialised Healthcare Scientific community.
National School of Healthcare Science - The National School of Healthcare Science is an important part of the new system for
healthcare science training established through Modernising Scientific Careers.
Scientists in Health - How Healthcare Science makes a difference.
ACHS Good Scientific Practice - This document sets out the principles and values on which good practice
undertaken by the Healthcare Science workforce is founded.
Healthcare Science Careers - For information regarding a variety of Jobs within the healthcare science field.
Healthtalkonline - Healthtalkonline lets you share in more than 2,000 people's experiences of over 60 health-related conditions and illnesses.
Critical Care Reviews - Open Source Medical Publications.
Extraordinary You: Science In Healthcare - Examples of healthcare scientists and their corresponding jobs.
EBME - Bringing together healthcare professionals responisible for the management of medical equipment